To ease the burden, we've tracked down 10 top Countries with the most job openings this week -- from sales jobs to finance jobs, full-time jobs to part-time jobs. We hope you find a job that's perfect for you.
Good luck job hunting!
1. USA
After recession the job market is down all over the world but the most effected country are USA. Today we give you information about over 100,000 + jobs in different fields.
Look for all available Jobs and find a good job for your Future.
- Management (70884)
- Sales (66137)
- Health Care (59218)
- Customer Service (37855)
- Information Technology (32579)
- Nurse (25737)
- Finance (25645)
- Engineering (23302)
- Retail (23189)
- Accounting (23062)
- Skilled Labor - Trades (21871)
- Admin - Clerical (21020)
- Entry Level (20257)
- Marketing (18891)
- Professional Services (17920)
- Business Development (17418)
- Other (15496)
- Manufacturing (14222)
- Training (12467)
- Consultant (12030)
- Insurance (11658)
- Transportation (10682)
- Banking (10008)
- Installation - Maint -... (9693)
- Education (9646)
- General Business (9601)
- Automotive (9060)
- Design (9019)
- Distribution - Shipping (8570)
- Restaurant - Food... (7383)
- Business Opportunity (7342)
- Strategy - Planning (6655)
- Human Resources (6290)
- QA - Quality Control (6171)
- Legal (6014)
- Warehouse (5822)
- Nonprofit - Social... (5015)
- Franchise (5001)
- Science (4869)
- Pharmaceutical (4748
2. UK:
UK also Facing job cuts in their industries. Today we give you information about over 23,000 jobs in different fields.
Look for all available Jobs and find a good job for your Future.
Top Job Categories:
- Sector:
- Healthcare (17696)
- Senior Appointments (5938)
- Education (1590)
- Training (1517)
- Management Consultancy (1352)
- Sales (1028)
- IT (950)
- Admin - Secretarial (794)
- Customer Service - Call... (763)
- Engineering (707)
- Banking - Finance (539)
- Graduate (518)
- Science (516)
- Retail - Wholesale (446)
- Marketing - Advertising... (387)
- Catering - Hospitality (361)
- Other (311)
- Public Sector (244)
- Charity - Not for Profit (241)
- Franchise (234)
- Construction (233)
- Recruitment Sales (225)
- Business Opportunity (223)
- Accountancy (218)
- Facilities (186)
- Transportation -... (141)
- Manufacturing (113)
- Human Resources (90)
- Media - New Media (61)
- Pharmaceutical (40)
- Telecommunications (32)
- Travel - Leisure -... (26)
- Insurance (25)
- Legal (15)
- Property (13)
- Renewable - Alternative... (11)
- Automotive (8)
- Environment (3)
- Police - Security -... (1)
INDIA is trying to join modern world. Today we give you information about over 23,000 jobs in different fields.
Look for all available Jobs and find a good job for your Future.
Top Job Categories:
- Management (3024)
- Information Technology (2699)
- Other (2084)
- Engineering (2079)
- Sales (1092)
- Design (949)
- Accounting (695)
- Admin - Clerical (683)
- Customer Service (654)
- Finance (560)
- QA - Quality Control (490)
- Marketing (475)
- Skilled Labour - Trades (371)
- Strategy - Planning (361)
- Consultant (353)
- Business Development (319)
- General Business (244)
- Professional Services (222)
- Health Care (188)
- Science (187)
- Education (184)
- Construction (148)
- Research (128)
- Legal (128)
- Banking (123)
- Purchasing - Procurement (116)
- Facilities (111)
- Distribution - Shipping (109)
- Executive (108)
- Manufacturing (103)
- Training (103)
- Human Resources (93)
- Transportation (83)
- Hospitality - Hotel (76)
- Restaurant - Food... (68)
- Supply Chain (63)
- Fresher (52)
- Retail (49)
- Inventory (44)
- Media - Journalism -... (39)
Look for all available Jobs and find a good job for your Future.
Top Job Categories:- Installation - Maint -... (1400)
- Information Technology (1225)
- Sales (1140)
- Engineering (1027)
- Management (856)
- Health Care (741)
- Customer Service (724)
- Skilled Labour - Trades (699)
- Telecommunications (686)
- Entry Level (502)
- Admin - Clerical (476)
- Science (427)
- Strategy - Planning (411)
- Finance (406)
- General Labour (383)
- Transportation (375)
- Business Development (368)
- Retail (301)
- Restaurant - Food... (281)
- Consultant (253)
- Professional Services (251)
- Other (229)
- Media - Journalism -... (228)
- Accounting (204)
- Nurse (192)
- Banking (186)
- Government (178)
- Automotive (162)
- Construction (159)
- QA - Quality Control (152)
- Facilities (137)
- Human Resources (132)
- Pharmaceutical (129)
- Executive (125)
- Marketing (124)
- Training (124)
- Manufacturing (121)
- Supply Chain (117)
- Hospitality - Hotel (114)
- Purchasing - Procurement (108)
GERMANY is another a good country for living in the world. Today we give you information about over 12,000 jobs in different fields.
Look for all available Jobs and find a good job for your Future.
Top Job Categories:- Dienstleistungen (2237) Services (2237)
- Ingenieurwesen /...(2116) Engineering / ... (2116)
- Tourismus / Hotellerie (2092) Tourism / Hospitality (2092)
- Gastronomie (2086) Gastronomy (2086)
- Management (2070) Management (2070)
- IT (1590) IT (1590)
- Vertrieb (1541) Sales (1541)
- Verwaltung (1434) Management (1434)
- Wirtschaft allgemein (1407) General Business (1407)
- Rechnungswesen /...(1321) Accounting / ... (1321)
- Facharbeiter /...(1252) Skilled workers ... (1252)
- Finanzwesen (1218) Finance (1218)
- Sonstige Berufe (1217) Other (1217)
- Kundendienst (1113) Customer Service (1113)
- Einzelhandel (1099) Retail (1099)
- Aus- und Weiterbildung (908) Education andTraining (908)
- Consulting / Beratung (896) Consulting / advice (896)
- Fertigung (682) Manufacturing (682)
- Logistik (570) Logistics (570)
- Marketing / Werbung (554) Marketing / Advertising (554)
- Training (481) Training (481)
- Geschäftsführung (414) Management (414)
- Forschung und...(390) Research and ... (390)
- Praktika (370) Internships (370)
- Automobilindustrie (350) Automotive (350)
- Ausbildungsstellen (339) Training jobs (339)
- Medien - Neue Medien (329) Media - New Media (329)
- Personalwesen (307) Human Resources (307)
- Transport / Logistik (300) Transport / Logistics (300)
- Entwicklung / Design (299) Development / Design (299)
- Banken / Sparkassen (292) Banks / Credit Unions (292)
- Bauwesen (253) Construction (253)
- Anlagenbau /...(252) Construction / ... (252)
- Versicherungen (243) Insurance (243)
- Einkauf (238) Shopping (238)
- Franchise (237) Franchise (237)
- Audition – Casting –...(227) Audition - Casting -... (227)
- Arbeitskräfte (218) Workers (218)
- Medizin und Pflege (202) Medicine and Care (202)
- Chemie / Pharmazeutische... Chemical / Pharmaceutical ... (142)
FRANCE is a good country for living. Today we give you information about over 18,000 jobs in different fields.
Look for all available Jobs and find a good job for your Future.
Top Job Categories:- Industrie / Production (4110) Industry / Production (4110)
- Informatique /...(4008) Computers / ... (4008)
- Commerce (3420) Trade (3420)
- BTP (3004) MGB (3004)
- Installation /...(1976) Installation / ... (1976)
- Comptabilité / Gestion...(1807) Accounting / Management ... (1807)
- Conception / Design (1748) Design / Design (1748)
- Autre (1308) Other (1308)
- Transport / Logistique (1231) Transport / Logistics (1231)
- Relation client (1176) Customer Relationship (1176)
- Santé (1028) Health (1028)
- Automobile /...(717) Automotive / ... (717)
- Ventes (680) Sales (680)
- Direction (680) Branch (680)
- Distribution (607) Distribution (607)
- Juridique / Fiscal (564) Legal / Tax (564)
- Banque / Assurance (453) Banking / Insurance (453)
- Ressources Humaines (416) Human Resources (416)
- Qualité (405) Quality (405)
- Achat (359) Buying (359)
- Marketing /...(258) Marketing / ... (258)
- Hôtellerie /...(224) Hotels / ... (224)
- Services à la personne (163) Personal services (163)
- Médias / Presse (140) Media / Press (140)
- Immobilier (121) Real Estate (121)
- Ingénierie (114) Engineering (114)
- Emploi sans...(114) Employment without ... (114)
- Enseignement / Formation (49) Education / Training (49)
- Distribution - Shipping (5) Distribution - Shipping (5)
- Commerce-Merchandising (4) Commerce-Merchandising (4)
See All Jobs in France (18453)
ITALY today we give you information about over 6,000 jobs in different fields.
Look for all available Jobs and find a good job for your Future.
Top Job Categories:
- Finanza - Auditing -(4313)... Finance - Audit -... (4313)
- Finanza (3273) Finance (3273)
- Information Technology (2322) Information Technology (2322)
- Management (1912) Management (1912)
- Marketing/ Advertising/..(1733). Marketing / Advertising / ... (1733)
- Ingegneria (1689) Engineering (1689)
- Acquisti (1578) Shopping (1578)
- Commerciale/vendite (1472) Business / Sales (1472)
- Amministrazione e...(1055) Directors e. .. (1055)
- Altro (676) Other (676)
- Consulenza (617) Consultancy (617)
- Industria/produzione (597) Industry / Production (597)
- Banche - Servizi...(409) Banks - Services ... (409)
- Transporti (387) Transportation (387)
- Controllo qualità (372) Quality Control (372)
- Franchising (340) Franchising (340)
- Servizi generali (330) General services (330)
- Direzione aziendale -...(273) Executive Management Team -... (273)
- Assistenza clienti -...(236) Customer Service -... (236)
- Medicina - Sanità (232) Medicine - Health (232)
- Immobiliare (212) Real Estate (212)
- Lusso e Fashion (206) Luxury & Fashion (206)
- Fashion Accessories (202) Fashion Accessories (202)
- Commercio al dettaglio (130) Retail (130)
- Architettura/...(99) Architecture / ... (99)
- Distribuzione/Logistica (77) Distribution / Logistics (77)
- Risorse Umane (72) Human Resources (72)
- Primo lavoro (65) First job (65)
- Alimentare e bevande (65) Food & Drink (65)
- Manutenzione/...(65) Maintenance / ... (65)
- Commerciale - Import/...(64) Commercial - Import / ... (64)
- Legale (54) Legal (54)
- Commercio all'ingrosso (52) Wholesale (52)
- Assicurazioni (38) Insurance (38)
- Telefonia -...(33) Telephony -... (33)
- Servizi professionali...(31) Professional Services ... (31)
- Chimica (27) Chemistry (27)
- Automotive (26) Automotive (26)
- Grande distribuzione/...(25) Retail / ... (25)
- Sevizi alberghieri/...(24) Sevices hotel / ... (24)
BELGIUM today we give you information about over 2,800 jobs in different fields.
Look for all available Jobs and find a good job for your Future.
Top Job Categories:
- Engineering (1014)
- Manufacturing (609)
- Marketing - Advertising... (573)
- Media - New Media (568)
- General Business (506)
- Installation - Maint -... (469)
- Automotive (467)
- Accountancy (349)
- Facilities (341)
- Skilled Labor - Trades (332)
- Professional Services (263)
- Restaurant - Food... (260)
- Distribution - Shipping (258)
- Management (243)
- Senior Appointments (205)
- Supply Chain (201)
- Sales (198)
- Admin - Secretarial (190)
- Finance (189)
- Inventory (173)
- Customer Service - Call... (134)
- IT (131)
- Construction (110)
- Catering - Hospitality (106)
- Other (102)
- Human Resources (98)
- Purchasing -... (89)
- Graduate (83)
- Management Consultancy (79)
- Research (69)
- Design (67)
- Grocery (38)
- Health - Nursing (25)
- Retail (24)
- Banking - Finance (20)
- QA - Quality Control (17)
- Insurance (11)
- Science (7)
- Legal (5)
- Business Development (4)
SPAIN today we give you information about over 2,800 jobs in different fields.
Look for all available Jobs and find a good job for your Future.
Top Job Categories:- Dirección/Gerencia (935) Direction / Management (935)
- Ventas (632) Sales (632)
- Comercial (514) Commercial (514)
- Administrativo/a /...(372) Administrative / a / ... (372)
- Ingeniería (349) Engineering (349)
- Banca/Finanzas (313) Banking / Finance (313)
- Contabilidad/Auditoria (293) Accounting / Auditing (293)
- Consultoría (282) Consulting (282)
- IT/Telecomunicaciones (265) IT / Telecommunications (265)
- Dependientes/as (194) Dependent / as (194)
- Otros (180) Other (180)
- Atención al cliente/Tele...(163) Customer Service / Tele ... (163)
- Marketing/RR.PP (157) Marketing / PR (157)
- Profesionales / Oficios (150) Professionals / Trades (150)
- Sanidad y salud (111) Health and health (111)
- Instalación/...(101) Installation / ... (101)
- Primer empleo (98) First job (98)
- RRHH/Prev. HR / Prev. Riesgos Lab (90) Risk Lab (90)
- Legal (84) Legal (84)
- Almacén/Logística (75) Warehouse / Logistics (75)
- Construcción/...(66) Construction / ... (66)
- Calidad (60) Quality (60)
- I+D (60) R & D (60)
- Diseño y Artes Gráficas (54) Design and Graphic Arts (54)
- Compras (50) Shopping (50)
- Automoción (49) Automotive (49)
- Fabricación/Industria (48) Manufacturing / Industry (48)
- Seguros (37) Insurance (37)
- Farmacia/Bioquímica (36) Pharmacy / Biochemistry (36)
- Transporte/Envíos (22) Transportation / Shipping (22)
- Educación y Formación (21) Education and Training (21)
- Hostelería/Turismo (16) Hospitality / Tourism (16)
- Restauración (11) Restoration (11)
- Distribución (8) Distribution (8)
- Comunicación/Periodismo (7) Communication / Journalism (7)
- Administración pública (3) Public administration (3)
SWITZERLAND the most beautiful country in the World. Today we give you information about over 4,000 jobs in different fields.
Look for all available Jobs and find a good job for your Future.
Top Job Categories:- Engineering (2307)
- Installation - Maint -... (2265)
- Construction (2263)
- Other (995)
- IT (234)
- Design (224)
- General Business (156)
- Accountancy (154)
- Admin - Secretarial (152)
- Healthcare (152)
- Nurse (151)
- Charity - Not for Profit (150)
- Finance (149)
- Banking - Finance (148)
- Sales (22)
- Recruitment Sales (15)
- Research (15)
- Customer Service - Call... (14)
- Management Consultancy (12)
- Management (11)
- Marketing - Advertising... (8)
- Education (8)
- Retail - Wholesale (7)
- Automotive (7)
- Skilled Labor - Trades (6)
- Manufacturing (6)
- Restaurant - Food... (6)
- Catering - Hospitality (6)
- Media - New Media (5)
- Purchasing -... (4)
- Human Resources (3)
- QA - Quality Control (3)
- Supply Chain (2)
- Transportation -... (2)
- Pharmaceutical (1)
You can find here job in your desire city and category. Wish you good Luck.
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