Wednesday, September 29, 2010

37 Productivity Tips for Working From Anywhere

The days of shackling your business to a brick and mortar office are over. Even people who work primarily in traditional offices occasionally find themselves working on the road or from their kitchen tables. This flexibility is great in a lot of ways, but each new work setting also brings with it a new set of productivity challenges.

We asked people who work from home, from co-working spaces, in coffee shops, on the road and in offices to share their secrets for a productive day no matter where they’re working. The following are the highlights of their collective advice.

From Home


Joel Ohman, the founder of Domain Superstar, uses three monitors to maximize his productivity at home.

Home workers reduce their commuting time to zero, aren’t distracted by coworkers, and can work on whatever schedule fits their style. On the other hand, their work often competes with their children, errands, and other distracting comforts. Here are their tips for staying focused, keeping a schedule, and reducing distractions.

  • Have a work space that has a door that can be closed. It’s hard to be productive with kids screaming in the background or the TV on. It also gives a bad impression to clients. — Rohan Hall, Founder and CEO of rSitez, Inc
  • Even if you’re the only one in the house, try listening to music on headphones while you work. It will help you forget your surroundings and focus on the task at hand. — Emily Widle, E-Commerce Marketing Specialist at Pegasus Associates Lighting
  • Put together a box of toys, games, and books that your children are only allowed to use when you are on the phone. Make sure these ideas are saved for “special” times (when you’re on the phone, or can’t give your child your full attention). Also, load up on popsicles. It always keeps them quiet for a few minutes for an important phone call. — Deb Walker, Project Manager for Contemporary-VA
  • Even if you work at-home, get dressed for the office, go through your typical morning routine and tackle your day like you’re clocking in at 9. — BJ Cook, CEO of Digital Operative Inc.
  • Don’t eat lunch in your office. Use this time to regroup and take a break. Why? Because if you do it right, working out of the house is constant work – no water cooler/cubicle talk, no walking across the building to the copier, etc. So you have to re-energize by getting out of the chair and out of that room. — Roger Grant, Founder of RG2 Solutions
  • Be honest with regard to when you are productive. For example, I am far more productive at night. I get more done between 10 p.m. and 2 a.m. than I ever do before noon (when I have the luxury to choose). When I was in a situation where I had that flexibility, I would go to the gym in the morning because that requires no thought and do the hard stuff in the afternoon, evening and night. — Jeff Bogensberger Co-Founder and CEO of SOCO Games
  • To the extent possible, chain yourself to the desk. There are plenty of non-work distractions at home. Spend as much time working at home as you work in the office. — Jon Gelberg, Chief Content Officer at Blue Fountain Media
  • Three monitors is the productivity “sweet spot” for most people. I love using my three 30″ monitors and my “Geek Desk” that is fully hydraulic and accommodates working from a seated or a standing position. — Joel J. Ohman, President of Domain Superstar

From the Office


Mashable Tech Editor and office productivity master Blake Robinson at work in Mashable HQ

Most offices are designed with efficiency in mind, and some workers focus better if they have a set schedule and a dedicated workspace. On the other hand, a work day is a huge chunk of time to stay focused, and organizing it productively can be daunting. To avoid getting stuck in water cooler talk, organize the workday, and maximize productivity, read these tips.

  • Do NOT check your e-mail for the first 45 minutes that you are in the office in the morning. Don’t even open it. There are never meetings at that time and most people are settling in and reading their e-mails, so it’s a mellow time (not too much talking, few drive-bys, hallway conversations and urgent requests rarely happen). — Amanda Feifer O’Brien, Marketing Manager at Firmenich Inc.
  • Take the first 30 minutes to plan the rest of your day. By plan, I mean make a list of the important tasks that you need to have done today and stay focused on these items. If you start working without first organizing your day, it’s very easy to spend the first 4 hours just reading and responding to e-mails. Most of these e-mails are distractions from the more important tasks that you need to do. Make a list of the things that you want to achieve that day and work from that list until it’s completed. — Rohan Hall, Founder and CEO of rSitez, Inc
  • I stumbled across an application called Freedom. It is actually pretty pathetic that somebody would need to purchase something like this, but it was the best $10 I have spent! The app simply locks you away from the Internet (). It removed nearly every distraction possible. — Erick Bzovi, Founder of
  • Block [the] like-minded tasks together. Set aside time to make outbound calls, and make one right after the other. Plan times during the day to check your e-mail, Twitter () and social media to avoid a huge time trap. — Lorraine Bosse-Smith, President of Concept One
  • A few years ago I did not change the time on my alarm clock back to winter time. So I got used to getting up an hour earlier than the “rest of the world.” It is probably my most productive hour of the day as the world is still asleep, no phones ringing, etc. — Ann Castro, Investment Banker and Author.
  • I give myself three must-complete tasks each day (usually fairly large tasks) and take short breaks between each one to give my mind a break and switch gears. — Britt Reints, author of
  • Show up to meetings on time. How many times have you had to get late arriving people up to speed on what was covered in the first five minutes, then again when someone comes in 10 minutes late? That’s a huge waste of time. — Chad Otis, Executive Creative Director of Smashing Ideas
  • Carve out transition time. Devote the final hours of your workday to some of your least-pressured tasks. I like listening to music on and doing paperwork. You will feel a sense of accomplishment by completing at least one thing before day end. — Susan Fletcher, Ph.D., Author of Working in The Smart Zone

From a Coworking Space


Workers get down to business at New Work City, a coworking space in Manhattan (courtesy of Alex Hotz)

Coworking solves the lonely independent worker problem, and coworking spaces can be great environments for collaborating and finding feedback on your work. But even though coworkers leave the distractions of their homes, there are other distractions at a coworking space — mainly, other enthusiastic people working on interesting projects that you want to know more about. Read these tips for staying focused.

  • I like to pretend all the people around me are potential clients judging my work habits. Is it a little weird and unorthodox? Sure. But competition and putting yourself “in the spotlight” will always make you work harder. — Eric Fulwiler, Partner at ZAC
  • If the work you’re doing requires some skills that are outside your immediate field, see if your coworkers might be interested in working with you on the project. Or they might know someone in their network of friends who would be perfect for it. Word of mouth referrals from someone you know is still the best way to find good help. — Jay Catalan, Co-Founder of The Network Hub
  • Rather than standing up from behind your wall of monitors and shouting “Can you all shut up?!” you may want to consider, what I call “The Cone of Silence.” It really works! All you need are a nice pair of headphones, (not earbuds), a wave file that plays “white noise,” and Windows Media Player set to “auto-repeat.” — Paul Preibisch of B3D Multitech
  • Surround yourself with the right people. Coworking spaces can be a huge asset or a huge liability, depending almost entirely upon who I’m surrounded by. You want to surround yourself with smart people who have similar work styles as you. For instance, if you’re a loose, fun worker, then being surrounded by just computer programmers hacking away at keyboards all day will cramp your style. The opposite obviously applies if you’re a “get down to work and work long and hard” type of person. — Jesse Davis, Co-founder of
  • Pretend like you are in third grade again, and return to the same desk everyday. While technically ‘open’ space does not mean you have rights to that same spot, it’s amazing how inherent social etiquette brings us to respect the spots that are regularly staked out. Having a space you return to every day will make you feel like you have an office, and people with offices must be productive because they pay a higher rent, right? — Melissa Pickering, Managing Co-Founder of iCreate to Educate
  • When someone is in your cube space and they keep talking beyond what you consider acceptable, just stand up like you are about to leave to get coffee or go to the bathroom. It’s like magic with some people — they wrap up what they are saying and head out. — Kenneth Carlson, Owner of Authentic Development
  • Plan on wasting time. Instead of keeping unnecessary windows open (chats, blogs, twitter, etc.) all day long, work intently with no distractions for a given time, then give yourself (significantly shorter) blocks of time to be unapologetically unproductive. — Matthew Hall, Jr. Consultant at Mutual Mobile
  • Engage. The whole point of working in public spaces is to be out in public. So, engage the people around you. Ask their perspective on a topic of debate amongst your team. Did you overhear them mention something of interest to your business? Offer to buy them a coffee in exchange for fifteen minutes of their expertise. Or, offer them a few minutes of your expertise on their problem – sometimes, stepping outside your immediate task can be refreshing and re-motivating. Get a stranger’s feedback on your product, website, blog post, etc. You’d be surprised how often you are standing too close to the problem to see the obvious solution, and a newcomer’s point of view can prove invaluable. Your environm ent should be an asset to your work, even in less traditional workspaces, so take advantage of the opportunity to connect with the people around you. — Erica Benton, Marketing Communications Manager at
  • Bring headphones to a co-working space as an indicator of busyness. Wearing them signals to others that “I can’t be disturbed right now.” — Jonathan Wegener, Founder of Adopt a Hacker

From a Coffee Shop

For many people, coffee and working go together. The coffee shop itself, however, can be a b

it of a challenge. Although it provides a temporary office and free Wi-Fi, it also provides an excell

ent people watching venue and a wide variety of sugary desserts. Getting down to business undisturbed can be tricky, but these tips can help.

  • Get to know the guy who runs the coffee shop you frequent. Learn his name, make small talk, take an interest in his business, become friends. He usually knows everyone who comes in, and if you’re a freelancer you can get some good — and importantly, varied — business introductions. — Cody Robbins, Founder of Sakuzaku
  • If I feel like I need some extra motivation to work hard, I’ll leave my computer charger at home. This forces me to complete my work before my battery runs out. — Ben Nesvig, Project Manager at Fuzed Agent
  • I buy a drink and give myself 45 minutes to an hour to complete an assignment. I “bribe” myself by saying that I can’t get a pastry (how I love them) or a refill until that assignment is done. So it motivates me to work faster and stay focused because I have an incentive. — Jessica Aguiar, Senior Copywriter at PostcardMania
  • In coffee shops I have a few rules: Try to face a wall and never a busy street, and order a small drink to minimize bathroom breaks. — Corina Kellam, Founder of Life History Books Ltd.
  • Choose a coffee shop that does NOT have Wi-Fi. You can check your email and news later. Alexander Seinfeld, Executive Director of Jewish Spiritual Literacy

  • From The Road

    Taking a break from the office might not mean taking a break from your work responsibilities. But shuffling between trains, planes and automobiles without your usual workspace isn’t conducive to efficiency. Learn how to make traveling work better for you by reading these tips.

    • I usually check in to airports [on location networks] just to let my family know that I am traveling and getting around safely. However, the tips are what make the app priceless. For instance, I can check in to terminal B at Logan International, and I can find a tip that says, “Logan International has free Wi-Fi and if you go to the Legal Seafood bar, they have outlets for every stool at the bar.” Now that is helpful. — Andrew Lazorchak, Director at
    • Keep everything electronically. If you’re working from a coffee shop or in a park, the last thing you want to be doing is shuffling papers. Become proficient in taking notes in PDF documents and get used to reading documents on your computer. It’s a challenge at first, but worth it in the end. If you must, carry one small notebook for notes and memos. — Michael Carney, Founder and President of MWC Accounting
    • Assign yourself a “course” each month during your commute. One month, listen to one of Shakespeare’s tragedies, and then listen to a commentary. The next month, listen to part of Wagner’s Ring Cycle, then listen to it again so you start to hear themes. Does this have anything to do with your work? No. But it definitely gets your mind in the game more than listening to drive-time shock jocks. — Laura Vanderkam, author of 168 Hours: You Have More Time Than You Think
    • Get menial tasks done like organizing your My Documents folder or going through your e-mail client and deleting useless/outdated e-mails (all the stuff you always want to have time to do but just don’t ever get to do during the week). — Ashley Schwartau
      Managed Mischief, Inc.
    • Use the settings on your iPhone or Droid to troll for free Wi-Fi when the traditional bread company isn’t around. If you can connect to it on your phone, you’ll be good to go when you crack open your laptop and get down to work. — Tyler Sickmeyer, Director of Client Development at 5Stone Marketing
    • Get a portable phone number (such as Google Voice ()) that can ring one or more phones. I am an attorney and work from my home, different office locations and on the road. Being accessible to my clients wherever I am is crucial. — Lara A. Aman, Attorney at Law
    • I scanned and saved my actual signature as a graphic and insert it into Word documents as a picture. If it’s a PDF, I have the same signature saved as a Custom Stamp. I don’t have to print anything. — Peggy Duncan, Personal Productivity Expert at The Digital Breakthroughs Institute
    • Make sure you can cache your e-mail. This way, you can work on planes or in areas where you do not have an Internet connection.– Blake Bookstaff, Vice President of

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

They are hiring Now.

This week, a Mercer Workplace Survey revealed seemingly paradoxical findings, as Forbes reports: Workers believe the economy is improving (especially compared to their views three years ago), but they still have serious concerns about their current situation. Specifically, 36 percent of workers fear losing their jobs.

If they think the overall picture is rosier than it once was, how come they’re still concerned? Although analysts will have their says on what this all means, you might be able to boil it down to one thing: people are having difficulty finding jobs.

Even if you have a job, you probably know someone who doesn’t, and as long as the unemployment rate remains high, you’re going to be afraid of losing your job. If stock and real estate markets are up, you don’t feel as safe and secure as when you’re employed and aren’t worried about bringing home a paycheck. It’s simple and you can’t blame workers for being cautious in this economy.

With that in mind, we want to simplify your job search as much as possible. To do so, we pulled together a list of companies who are hiring right now. The following 10 companies have several openings and they need workers to help their businesses thrive in this economy. Take a look at this list of companies across several industries and states. You can click on the company names to see a complete list of openings.

Accountants International
Sample job titles: Tax accountant, accounts payable coordinator

CyberCoders Engineering
Sample job titles: Java software engineer, Microsoft administrator

Dr. Pepper Snapple Group
Sample job titles: Merchandiser, sales development representative

Kelly Law Registry
Sample job titles: Paralegal/legal assistant (junior level), claims attorney

Kool Smiles
Health care
Sample job titles: Dentist, Community Relations Specialist

La Petite Academy
Industry: Education
Sample job titles: Certified pre-K teacher, child care assistant director

Pepsi Beverages Company
Sample job titles: Product availability supervisor, vending/fountain equipment (field) technician

Sample job titles: Director / senior manager – laboratory/bioinformatics, vaccine, scientist modeling and simulation

Sample job titles: Marketing manager, marketing and sales sr. associate

Saia, Inc.
Sample job titles: Team drivers, diesel mechanic class A

Monday, September 27, 2010

Entry-Level Jobs With Big Earning Potential

Competition for entry-level work is starched-shirt stiff right now.

But grabbing the first minimum-wage, dead-end gig that comes along won't serve you well in the long run. After all, you don't want to live in Mom and Dad's basement forever. A better strategy is to pursue a career that allows your responsibilities -- and your income -- to grow year after year.

Here are eight of our top picks for those who are just starting out, and their median annual salaries, according to

Environmental engineer
Have a bachelor's degree in engineering? You're in luck! According to the U.S. Department of Labor, environmental engineers make among the highest starting salaries of all college graduates. Entry-level positions in the field are similar to "an apprentice situation," says workplace expert Alexandra Levit, whose latest book is "New Job, New You: A Guide to Reinventing Yourself in a Bright New Career." "As you get more senior, you receive more independence to work on your own, eventually supervising your own staff."
Median annual salary: $68,628.

Network systems/data communications analyst
Not a computer science major? Not to worry. In information technology, getting field certification is often more valuable than a formal education, Levit says. Once you cultivate an area of expertise, such as network security or enterprise software, "You can very quickly become the go-to person in the organization and eventually the head of IT," she says. "And you can make a very, very good living."
Median annual salary: $61,949.

Marketing research analyst
From high-tech and biotech to retail and hospitality, consumer-driven industries rely on market data to make smart business decisions. If you have a business marketing or statistical background, you may be able to analyze data from the get-go in this field rather than starting as "a [low-paid] telemarketer," says Laurence Shatkin, author of more than 20 books for job hunters, including "200 Best Jobs for College Graduates," which he co-wrote with Michael Farr.
Median annual salary: $58,423.

Fancy yourself the next Don Draper or Peggy Olson from "Mad Men"? Why not try your hand at writing ad copy? "Here's something for the English major to be doing, now that journalism doesn't seem to be such a prospect," Shatkin says. Although you might start by contributing text to lower-profile agency projects, in time "you can be involved to the point where you're developing entire ad campaigns," Shatkin says.
Median annual salary: $53,288.

Sales associate
The beauty of sales is that you can enter the field even if you majored in art history, Shatkin says. "With a lot of products, you can learn what you need to know from a short training program," he explains. "And sometimes you'll work with a more experienced salesperson your first few days out." To boost your income, he says, you can transition into selling bigger-ticket items, or you can move into management.
Median annual salary: $45,656.

"There are all sorts of places where lobbyists exist: lobbying firms, public interest groups, trade organizations," Levit says. "You can start with an unpaid internship and move within a couple years to making six figures." To get your feet wet, Levit suggests volunteering for a political campaign or interning on Capitol Hill for a few months to see what causes interest you.
Median annual salary: $66,929.

Public relations assistant
"PR and digital marketing are hot hot hot," Levit says. "Everyone is switching their traditional marketing to online, and they can't fill positions fast enough." Expect to work your hide off at a PR agency, a field with a high burnout rate, Levit warns. On the plus side, she says, annual promotions are the norm, with the path from peon to supervisor fairly short.
Median annual salary: $42,810.

Financial analyst
Yes, the financial sector took a beating during the past year, but finance jobs are starting to bounce back, Shatkin says. So if you're looking to put that business, finance, or statistics education to use, consider analyzing financial data for a living. "Analysts contribute to the decisions that financial managers make," Shatkin explains. Specifically, financial analysts make investment recommendations to the banks, insurance companies, securities firms, and other businesses employing them. From this starting point, Shatkin says, the sky's the limit -- all the way up to company controller, CFO, or CEO.
Median annual salary: $60,952.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Four Reasons to Work for the Government Jobs

Consider these pop-culture heroes: Miranda Bailey, a resident surgeon on Grey's Anatomy. Jack Bauer, a government agent for the Counter Terrorist Unit (CTU) on 24. Dana Scully, an FBI agent on The X-Files. What do they all have in common? Not only are they all ruthless, intelligent, in-your-face television characters -- they all work for the government.

That's right. The government.

The stuffy, conservative, monotonous portion of our working world, filled with indolent and mindless workers. That's that what the government is, right? Wrong.

For whatever reason, the U.S. government (and nation's largest employer) has a bad rap. Some of the many stereotypes surrounding the government include assumptions that all government jobs are located in Washington, D.C.; everyone works for the federal government; the majority of the jobs within the government are boring; and government employees are listless, ineffective bureaucrats.

The reality is that only about 15 percent of federal employees work in Washington, D.C. -- the other 85 percent is in other U.S. territories and foreign countries. In 2006, there was 2.7 million civilian employees and 1.4 million in military uniform in the federal government. So, not only are there thousands of excellent jobs and people in the government -- there are jobs that haven't been the topic of a movie or TV show, but very well could (and should) be.

That's why more sites like, a new site dedicated to federal government job search and information, are popping up across the Web. helps expedite the recruitment process by connecting top job candidates interested in the public sector with key federal agencies such as the CIA, U.S. Navy, Department of Homeland Security, Department of Veteran Affairs and Department of Energy.

The federal government offers unique opportunities for job seekers that can't be found in the public sector. provides job seekers a means to explore job avenues they may have never known about and join organizations that have a national impact.

Need a reason to work for the U.S. government? How about four?

Reason No. 1: Flexible Qualifications

Years of experience can frequently replace college education in a government position. Senior level government positions may not require a college degree at all, while similar corporate positions do. Plus, the government hires people at all levels of experience and education: inexperienced high school graduates, college students, retiring veterans, GEDs and Ph.D.s. The government is also more likely to hire older qualified workers.

Reason No. 2: Pay and Benefits

Government salaries are comparable to corporate counterparts. The government offers locality pay, so your salary reflects your area's cost of living. Plus, the government is known for strong employee benefits, which are the same for every employee. They receive, among other benefits:

  • >> Thirteen sick days per year that roll over;
  • >> Ten paid holidays and vacation time that increases over the years;
  • >> Flexible work schedules and teleworking options;
  • >> Options for extending healthcare coverage to parents, adult children and other family questions.

Some agencies offer public transit subsidies, recruitment bonuses, student loan repayment and relocation assistance. The government's retirement benefits are secure, unlike the private sector. Government pensions are based on salary and years of service, and health insurance continues into retirement.

Reason No. 3: Job Security

While today's corporate jobs are more subject to downsizing, job security is one of the most noteworthy advantages of government employment. Though the government is known for its strict hierarchal structure and strict guidelines/procedures, these protocols protect your job from elimination. Thus, government jobs offer the luxury of planning for the future.

Reason No. 4: Hiring Outlook

The government is always hiring. In fact, there may be up to 18,000 job vacancies at any given time. Employees are always retiring, being promoted or moving to the private sector. So despite national trends toward downsizing and budget cuts, the government always has job openings due to turnover.

Still not convinced why you should work for the government? See if these choice government jobs change your mind:


What you'll do: Search for, collect and preserve physical evidence in the investigation of crime and suspected criminals; examine evidence; prepare findings; and give expert testimony in court. You might even work under unpleasant and adverse conditions, including high places, dangerous locations, and in proximity to dead bodies and biological and chemical hazards, in order to investigate crime scenes.

What you'll earn: $54,700 annually

Medical Examiner/Coroner

What you'll do: Investigate causes of death, assign a cause and manner of death and list them on the death certificate. The cause of death refers to the disease, injury or poison that caused the death. You'll also decide if a death occurred under natural circumstances or was due to accident, homicide, suicide or undetermined means or circumstances.

What you'll earn: $134,016 annually

Accident Investigation (Aviation/Airline)

What you'll do: Examining the causes of accidents and work to prevent them from happening again; determine the cost of an accident; fill out legal documents; determine compliance with applicable safety regulations; process workers' compensation claims.

What you'll earn: $59,258 annually

Prison Warden

What you'll do: Keep your eye on the approximately 1.4 million offenders who are incarcerated in prison at any given time; maintain security and inmate accountability to prevent disturbances, assaults, and escapes.

What you'll earn: $33,600 annually


What you'll do: Supervise cash flows in organizations, audit government accounts and sometimes certify expenditures. Some comptrollers examine the way the state government does just about everything in search of ways to do it better.

What you'll earn: $55,800 annually

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Top 10 Companies Hiring This Week (September 25- October 01)

We know that your job search can get quite frustrating these days with more people trying to find a job and less employment opportunities available.

To ease the burden, we've tracked down 10 top companies with the most job openings this week -- from sales jobs to finance jobs, full-time jobs to part-time jobs. We hope you find a job that's perfect for you.

Good luck job hunting!

01. Amazon

Amazon is a company of builders. A philosophy of ownership carries through everything we do — from the proprietary technologies we create to the new businesses we launch and grow. You’ll find it in every team across our company.

Industry: Marketing

Sample job titles: Senior product manager, merchandising specialist (retail software)

Top Job Categories:

Account Management Jobs

Administrative Support Jobs

Sales Jobs

See All Jobs at Amazon



Americold is the leading provider of temperature-controlled warehousing and logistics to the food industry. Americold owns and operates approximately 100 temperature-controlled facilities in the United States, representing the largest, most dense network in the industry.

Industry: Warehouse

Sample job titles: Facilities service manager, warehouse supervisor

Top Job Categories:

Human Resources Jobs

Transportation general Jobs

Warehouse Management Jobs

See All Jobs at Ameri Cold

Butler America

Butler America provides outsourced engineering support, technology, telecom, and fleet maintenance services to premier companies in the aerospace, federal defense, manufacturing, commercial, and communications industries. Services are performed by expert staff that are contracted to and supervised by Butler, either on-site at the client's facility or off-site at a Butler-owned facility.

Industry: Engineering

Sample job titles: Environmental engineer or geologist, senior trenchless technology engineer

Top Job Categories:

Contract Jobs

Hot Jobs


04. Encore Healthcare

At Encore Healthcare, we offer a variety of health care services, all designed to speed your recovery and return you to home. Our staff will deliver excellent care, compassionate service and leave you with a memorable experience. Please browse our service offerings below to see what we can offer you or your loved one.

Health care

Sample job titles: Chief nursing officer, director of social services/social worker

Top Job Categories:

Assistant Director of Nursing

Licensed Practical Nurse Jobs

Physical Therapist Jobs


General Atomics Aeronautical Systems

The business of General Atomics Aeronautical Systems, Inc. (GA-ASI) is the development of transformational technologies that deliver paradigm-changing results. An affiliate of privately held General Atomics, GA-ASI is a world leader in proven, reliable unmanned aircraft systems (UAS) and tactical reconnaissance radars, as well as advanced high-resolution surveillance systems.

Industry: Manufacturing

Sample job titles: Warehouse supervisors, operations manager

Top Job Categories:

Admin Jobs

Finance Jobs

Technician Jobs

See All Joba At General Atomics


06. Met Life Inc

MetLife, Inc. is a leading provider of insurance and other financial services to millions of individual and institutional customers throughout the United States. Outside the U.S., MetLife companies have direct insurance operations in Asia Pacific, Latin America and Europe.

Industry: Transportation

Sample job titles: Executive team leader overnight replenishment

Top Job Categories:

Corporate Services Jobs

Customer Relationships Jobs

Insurance Jobs

Sales Jobs

See All Metlife Jobs


07. Party City

Party City loves to celebrate. We pride ourselves on making it easy and fun for our customers to celebrate the special times in the lives of their family and friends by offering a complete selection of fresh and exciting merchandise at great value in a fun shopping environment.

Industry: Retail

Sample job titles: Temporary Halloween sales associate, general manager

Top Job Categories:

Store Jobs

Corporate Jobs


08. Promega

We offer advanced technologies, quality reagents and equipment, one-to-one support to enable scientists worldwide to advance their knowledge in genomics, proteomics, cellular analysis, molecular diagnostics, and human identification.

Promega offers a work environment that encourages creativity, work-life balance, and rewards for great work. See for yourself!

Industry: Biotechnology

Sample job titles: Senior scientist – nucleic acid purification chemist, senior research scientist – ADME, toxicity, viabilityTop Job Categories:

Engineering Jobs

Information Technology Jobs

Sales Jobs

See All Jobs at Promega


09. Target

Just like our Bullseye logo, our history comes full circle. Our department-store roots evolved into discount-store savvy. Our first-in-the-industry innovations led to retail revolutions. And our community-minded founder fostered a national philanthropic mindset.

Industry: Transportation

Sample job titles: Executive team leader overnight replenishment

Top Job Categories:

Store Management Jobs

Supply Chain + Distribution Center Management Jobs

Product Design + Development Jobs

See All Jobs at Target


10. Universal Technical Institute (UTI)

We are Universal Technical Institute, Inc., a nationwide provider of technical education training for students seeking careers as professional automotive, diesel, collision repair, motorcycle and marine technicians.

Industry: Education

Sample job titles:
Associate director regional admissions, temporary seasonal instructor

Top Job Categories:

Admission Jobs

Marketing Jobs

Technology Jobs

See All Jobs at UTI

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

8 Jobs That Require Imagination

Get paid to use your creativity and imagination with these great-paying jobs!

Imagine this: getting paid to let your imagination run wild. If you're a creative person with a great imagination, we've got some ideas to help you turn your passion into a profit with one of these eight great-paying careers.

1. Graphic Designer

Here's a profession that really rewards creativity. By becoming a graphic designer, you can use your active imagination to dazzle clients by imagining and executing visual solutions to their communication problems.

Training: Interactive media is a game changer for graphic designers, who often earn a bachelor's in computer aided design, animation, or graphic design and multimedia. Shorter certificate programs can also help you keep pace with the competition.

Pay: Graphic designers earned an annual average salary of $42,400 in 2008. Those specializing in computer systems design earned an average of $47,860.

2. Marketing Professional

Creative brainstorming sessions are the norm for marketers, who are constantly coming up with fresh ways to communicate with consumers.

Training: It's not enough to come up with a brilliant plan. You need to know how to execute it. Marketing/communications programs can help you launch your career. An MBA can help you land a more senior position.

Pay: Marketing managers earned an average of $108,580 per year in 2008.

3. Detective/Forensics

If you enjoy detective stories, why not live the life yourself? Before detectives and forensics specialists can get the bad guy, they have to imagine how he did it.

Training: An active imagination can help law enforcement personnel envision crime-scene scenarios and motivations for different suspects. A lot of legwork is required, but imagination can be the key to cracking a case. A degree in forensics/crime scene, police & law enforcement, or criminal justice can help make that your job description.

Pay: The median annual wage for detectives and criminal investigators in 2008 was $60,910.

4. Business Entrepreneur

Walt Disney once famously said, "If you can dream it, you can do it." Creating a successful company requires bold, unconventional thinking. Some people call visionary businesspeople "crazy" - until their idea becomes huge. There are no guarantees in the business world, but every great business starts with that new idea. Do you have what it takes to make an idea come to life?

Training: Get started with an associate's or bachelor's degree in business administration or e-business/e-commerce, and finish with an MBA.

Pay: says the average entrepreneur earns $111,000.

5. Video Game Designer

Sharing their own mind-blowing ideas can quickly turn profitable for video game designers since imagining new worlds is what they do for a living.

Training: But imagining that brave new world is just the first step. Getting a degree in video game design or animation can help you share that vision with the rest of us.

Pay: Video game designers new to the job make about $46,000, according to

6. Forensic Accountant

Money laundering is a dirty business that requires smart, creative accountants to visualize how the white collar criminals do what they do.

Training: Math courses are the obvious choice here and you'll get plenty of those while getting a bachelor's degree in accounting or business administration. An associate's degree in accounting can help you land a more entry-level job.

Pay: Accountants and auditors earn $59,430, with the top ten percent clearing over $100,000, according to the Department of Labor.

7. Teacher

An active imagination and a flair for creativity helps teachers connect with students. And the more they inspire the students, the more the students return the favor.

Training: Teachers need an active imagination - and credentials. Thankfully, getting your education degree or teaching certificate has never been easier, thanks to a proliferation of online teaching programs.

Pay: Forbes magazine says new teachers made $49,000 in 2005-06, the most recent year for which data is available.

8. Chef

Among other things, inventiveness is a key to being a great chef. Great dishes won't make as big a splash if the artistic presentation isn't up to par.

Training: Prior experience in the industry may help you get your foot in the door. If you want to get formal training, look into getting a degree in culinary arts.

Pay: Chefs, and head cooks earn an average of $38,770 per year. That average goes up ($44,660 per year) for those in traveler accommodation.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

A Job For Every Dad

What kind of dad are you? Find career options that fit your dad skills!

Dads have a unique set of skills. From carpool driver to coach to cook...the modern dad does it all. But how do these skills translate to the work force?Use our handy guide to match your dad-skill with a great career!

For the dad who can get the kids to eat vegetables...

Marketing specialists help determine a company's strategy to bring in business. Duties include: advertising, promoting, and targeting products to the right consumers.
Dad-friendly factors: Many large corporations that employ entire marketing departments offer flex time, on-site child care, and telecommuting options.
Gear up: A bachelor's degree in business or marketing will show clients you've got the knowledge and skills to help their business grow. Once you've gained some experience, you could work as a consultant or marketing manager.
Get paid: According to, marketing consultants earn an average of $57,851 annually. Dads who advance to the level of marketing manager have even more reason to celebrate: the average annual salary is $108,580, according to the U.S. Department of Labor.

For the dad who bandages scraped knees...

Registered nurses (RNs) provide patient care, which includes everything from administering medication to checking vital signs. Job opportunities for RNs should be excellent, but will vary by location and employment setting, according to the Department of Labor.
Dad-friendly factors: Nurses are needed at all hours of the day and night, which means more scheduling options for you. Telephone triage nurses work from home via telephone or computer providing advice or managing cases.
Gear up: Complete a nursing degree or certificate program, then get licensed in your state.
Get paid: The average annual salary for registered nurses is $62,450.

For the dad who still has a spot for his laptop among the toys...

Medical coders assign codes to specific medical services and procedures, which helps insurance companies and health care providers bill for services.
Dad-friendly factors: According to the American Academy of Professional Coders, 39 percent of coders work from home at least part of the time, usually telecommuting for an employer such as a hospital or clinic.
Gear up: An associate's degree in medical billing and coding is the most common way to get started, but there are also one-year certificate and diploma programs.
Get paid: Coders who work for medical and surgical hospitals have an average annual salary of $32,600.

For the dad who can hook up a video game system...

Computer programmers develop, test, and design software and computer programs for everything from cell phones to mainframe computer systems to video game consoles.
Dad-friendly factors: Because computer programmers often work alone, it's the perfect job for telecommuting or even starting your own freelance business.
Gear up: A bachelor's degree in a field such as computer science or information systems will qualify you for most positions.
Get paid: $69,620 is the average annual salary for computer programmers.

For the dad who finger paints like a master...

Graphic designers conceive and create almost everything you see around you - from posters and web sites to the packaged goods you see on the supermarket shelf.
Dad-friendly factors: Many graphic designers work on a freelance basis from their home. Because you're not on a strict 9-to-5 schedule, you can coordinate your work with your family's routine.
Gear up: Get an associate's or bachelor's degree in graphic design.
Get paid: The average annual salary for graphic designers is $42,400.

For the dad who makes sure everyone plays fair...

Paralegals play a pivotal role in the criminal justice system, researching legal matters, putting together reports and other materials for attorneys, and assisting in the preparation of cases.
Dad-friendly factors: A lot of paralegal work involves research that can be done on any computer with an internet connection, which can make telecommuting a viable option. Web conferencing software allows you "attend" meetings while at home with the kids.
Gear up: Get started on your paralegal career with a certificate or associate's degree in paralegal studies.
Get paid: The average paralegal salary is $46,120.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Top 11 Fastest Growing Jobs.

In the two years since the economy began its downward slide, health care has been one of the few industries that continued to rise. Because we're living longer than ever and the baby boomers are aging, demand for health care is growing.

Understandably, many people think of health care as all about doctors and nurses. After all, when you go to the hospital or have your annual check-up, your interaction is usually with a nurse and then a doctor. All the lab tests and other work are done behind the scenes, so these positions get overlooked. The health care industry will continue to grow in the coming decade and the jobs won't just be in the operating room, though many will.According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, these 11 jobs in health care will see growth in the coming years. Here are the jobs, their expected growth in the next decade, education requirements and annual mean salary*:

1. Physician assistants perform many of the same tasks of a physician -- such as treating injuries and supervising medical assistants -- but are under a physician's supervision at all times.
2008-2018 increase: 41.3 percent
College degree and relevant experience

2. Medical secretaries perform administrative duties in health-care facilities and rely on their knowledge of medical terminology and procedures.
2008-2018 increase:
27 percent
Varies, but college degrees are increasingly common requirements

3. Physicians and surgeons treat patients for existing medical conditions and also advise them on preventative care. Surgeons concentrate on operations rather than the non-surgical approaches of physicians.
2008-2018 increase:
26 percent
Medical degrees, residencies and licenses
Surgeons - $206,770, general internists - $176,740

4. Registered nurses address some health problems of patients as well as collect and maintain their medical records.
2008-2018 increase:
23.4 percent
Varies between college degrees requirements and certification, depending on state and employer

5. Counselors work in various health-care facilities to help clients overcome physical or mental health obstacles they are encountering.
2008-2018 increase:
22.6 percent
Varies by state and facility, but college degree and certification are typical
Mental health - $40,270, rehabilitation - $34,600, substance abuse and behavioral disorder - $39,670

6. Licensed practical and licensed vocational nurses provide care for injured or ill patients in health-care facilities and private homes.
2008-2018 increase:
21.9 percent
Nursing license from an accredited school or institution, other requirements vary by state

7. Billing and posting clerks and machine operators assess the cost of a patient's health care, draw up the bill and send it to them.
2008-2018 increase:
19.7 percent
Varies by institution, but a high school diploma and basic computer skills are common

8. Social workers provide emotional and mental support to patients who have substance abuse problems or suffer from medical ailments.
2008-2018 increase:
19.5 percent
Bachelor's degrees and often advanced degrees are required, in addition to state-mandated licenses and certifications
Medical and public health - $47,560, mental health and substance abuse - $39,630

9. Receptionists and information clerks work in health-care facilities and address customer or patient questions or concerns and direct them to the appropriate department or personnel.
2008-2018 increase:
16.1 percent
Minimum requirement of high school diploma, although some employers require more education or relevant experience

10. Clinical laboratory technologists and technicians work in medical laboratories to perform tests that help diagnose, treat or prevent illnesses.
2008-2018 increase:
14 percent
Technologists need a bachelor's degree in a related subject and technicians need an associate degree
Technologists - $54,050, technicians - $44,310

11. Pharmacists dispense medicine to patients based on the diagnoses and prescriptions of physicians and other medical professionals.
2008-2018 increase:
14 percent
A Doctor of Pharmacy degree and license

*All information based on data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

7 Sites That Will Help You Get Hired

Here are seven sites that stand out for their intelligence, niche, data, or usefulness

When it comes to careers, who doesn't need a little help? It's not just the 14.6 million unemployed, but the millions of employed who are stuck in comatose companies or dead-end jobs. While there are plenty of websites that have useful information for job seekers today, many people still look to the web largely to find job openings. Here are seven sites that stand out for their intelligence, niche, data, or usefulness, rather than their job listings:
Click here to find out more!

Fistful of Talent: Reading the posts on this blog is like listening to a lunchroom full of human resources professionals, hiring managers, and recruiters talk about their likes, dislikes, and strategies. You'll learn things like how recruiters find candidates online, the kinds of questions they like, or their worries about the recruiting process. Sample tip: "A while ago, [SimplyHired] instituted a LinkedIn button. It used to be hidden under their 'more' options, but now it has a prominent display at the top of your job search results. So if I run a search for a recruiting job and connect my LinkedIn network I can quickly see who I 'know' at all of the companies that return posting results. And guess what? Now there's a Facebook button."

Seeking Alpha: This website graciously transcribes public companies' earnings conference calls. That allows you to brush up on all the crucial, timely details about the company you really want to work for, giving you the kind of insight that can elevate a cover letter or interview. The more you know a company, the more hiring managers will feel your pursuit is a targeted one. And they like to be targeted. If you were, say, applying for a job at J.M. Smucker, you could listen to their most recent conference call and learn that sales of their new premium jam—made of "the best fruit" and 100 percent sugar—are exceeding expectations, and that marketing spending this next fiscal year will match last year's record marketing spending. Whether it seems relevant to the position or not, building a foundation of up-to-date knowledge is critical.

Careers at Alltop: This aggregator of topical RSS feeds puts an army of well-known career bloggers (including U.S. News Outside Voices contributors) right in front of you. Career expert Anita Bruzzese might give you a lesson in how to network without hating it. Career coach Marty Nemko will teach you how to cope with self-loathing. The folks at Careerbuilder's Work Buzz blog will keep you updated on companies that are hiring. While you're there, you might check out other Alltop pages relevant to your work.

CareerDiva: Eve Tahmincioglu describes her site as "the thinking man or woman's career blog." But even if you're not much of thinker, her advice will make you smarter, in part because she has her nose in the news. If you're short on time, just click on the "Getting Hired" tag. You'll find hundreds of posts to help you along, or answer some of the trickier questions of job hunting. For example, if you're wondering how to dress for an interview, you might consider removing or turning around the enormous rock on your finger. You'll look more serious.

Facebook: OK, this is more of an app than a site. But this site allows you to mix work with pleasure and mimic more natural and traditional styles of networking. Presumably, you have hundreds of friends all over the country and most of them have listed their current and past employers in their profiles, or "Info" tabs. If you use an application like that offered by SimplyHired, you'll be able to search for jobs where your friends work and ping them for extra information on the company, or ask for the name of the person who's hiring so you can contact them directly.

Indeed's Job Trends: Wondering what kind of positions are growing in demand? You can search any term to see the growth in percentage of posts that include the term. The kind of words that are showing up in an increasing number of posts: Facebook, iPhone, virtualization, social media. It's an inexact science—take a closer look at the kind of job postings that include the word "Facebook" and you'll find that many are either at Facebook or from staffing companies encouraging job seekers to find them on Facebook. But "virtualization"-riddled job postings are for IT positions, through and through. Bonus trend charts: job postings per capita, job market competition, and industry employment trends.

Bureau of Labor Statistics: This site is a bit of a beast, but it's incredibly useful. To start, hover your mouse over the Employment tab on the left, and click on "Employment Projections" in the drop-down menu. The most straightforward data is in the tables that start at the middle of the page. You can see the list of the projected fastest-growing occupations (physical therapists, biomedical engineers, dental hygienists, etc.) and occupations with the biggest declines (farmers and ranchers, file clerks, telemarketers, etc.). Back on the homepage, you'll see a tab indicating resources for job seekers on the left. Click it. You'll find a library of information on topics such as educational requirements for occupations that interest you. Say you're a restaurant manager and you want to move to California. You can search "occupational employment and wages by area" and find that the greatest number (by far) of foodservice jobs in the state are in Los Angeles, but the highest hourly wages are in Napa.Justify Full

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